Use Opera Mobile (available for only Smart phones. .latest version is 12) with DEFAULT mo settings (no need to change proxy or port in settings). . . .
Android operaMobile supports AdobeFlash. .Use Youtube supported proxy to stream youtube videos
1.on the Address bar type opera:config

2. Scroll down the page until
you get to Proxy and click it
to display the settings

3. Now Scroll down again
until you get to HTTP server
and HTTPS server and in
these two fields type your
proxy information in the
format address:port
(use working proxies )

4. Scroll down more until you
get to Use HTTP and Use
HTTPS and tick both boxes
then click on save lower down

5. Now close the window and
go to any free site such as or free ipz
ANDROID users can watch live YOUTUBE using thz trick . .make sure tht Adobe FLASH is enabled in ur operamobile settings-advanced-. .herez one youtube supported proxy::port- . . .

Android operaMobile supports AdobeFlash. .Use Youtube supported proxy to stream youtube videos
1.on the Address bar type opera:config

2. Scroll down the page until
you get to Proxy and click it
to display the settings

3. Now Scroll down again
until you get to HTTP server
and HTTPS server and in
these two fields type your
proxy information in the
format address:port
(use working proxies )

4. Scroll down more until you
get to Use HTTP and Use
HTTPS and tick both boxes
then click on save lower down

5. Now close the window and
go to any free site such as or free ipz
ANDROID users can watch live YOUTUBE using thz trick . .make sure tht Adobe FLASH is enabled in ur operamobile settings-advanced-. .herez one youtube supported proxy::port- . . .

Thanks to share like this informative post happy to know about the best ways to unblock youtube which is the critical issue of nowadays also for the people of pakistan which restricted to access the youtube but unblock proxy servers really help them to use and Youtube Proxy.